Church History
1916 – At this time the Alameda Buddhist Temple served Buddhists in Southern Alameda County. However, those who wanted to attend temple services then had to travel all day.
1942 – The Buddhist community consisted mostly of Japanese farmers, and those who owned nurseries and other businesses. They held services at Mt. Eden and Hansen Hall in Centerville.
1950s – Leaders Mrs. Koyuri Shibata, Mr. Satori Sekigahama, and Mr. Iwanari Kajikawa, saw the need for a centralized and local place of worship.
1960s – In 1961, with approval of the Board of the Hayward-Fremont Buddhist Group, 3.5 acres of land was purchased inUnion City.
– September, 1962 marked the official dedication of the temple.
– In 1965, SACBC was established as independent from Alameda; Classrooms were built for Japanese Language School and Dharma School; Buddhist Womens’ Association and Jr. YBA were formed
-In 1967, Rev. Unryu Sugiyama became first minister and a shrine was donated from Oxnard Buddhist Temple.
1970s – Minister’s residence groundbreaking was held.
Sangha Hall was built and dedicated on March 23, 1975
Bishop Kenryu Tsuji officiated at Dedication of the Sangha Hall
1980’s – 25th Anniversary was observed on December 6, 1987
Bishop Seigen Yamaoka officiated at the Commemorative Service
1990’s – Young Adult Buddhist Association, Scouts and O’Nami Taiko Drum group were formed.
-1992 – Hondo pews donated by Kimiyo Sekigahama in memory of her husband, Satori Sekigahama. Pews installed in September.
-1993-94 – Hanging lights in Hondo donated by Sekigahama family in memory of Kimiyo Sekigahama. Lights installed in January ’94.
October, 2002 – The church marked its 40th Anniversary
October, 2010 –St. Shinran statue was donated by Mrs. Arlyne Shibata in honor of her husband, P.A. Shibata, and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zenjuro Shibata.
Jodo Shinshu is thriving as SACBC marks its 50th Anniversary, September 23, 2012.